Internal Market Must Become Truly ‘Single’ & ‘Digital’ if Europe’s Machinery Industries Are Set to Strive in the Future

With a True ‘Single’ Market for Off-Road Machines within Reach, a Supportive Policy Framework is now Needed to Master the Digital Transformation Ahead.

The EU’s Internal Market must become truly ‘Single’ and ‘Digital’ if Europe’s agricultural and construction machinery industries are set to strive in the future. This was the key message during a Dinner Debate organized at the European Parliament on 11 October by sector associations CECE and CEMA and the European Forum for Manufacturing (EFM). Chaired by MEP Jo Leinen, the debate focused on two essential questions: how to close remaining gaps in the Internal Market and how to make it fit-for-purpose in the Digital Age.

Download the press release Internal Market Must Become Truly ‘Single’ & ‘Digital’ if Europe’s Machinery Industries Are Set to Strive in the Future






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