Riccardo Viaggi starts his role as the new Secretary General of CECE

CECE secured the commitment of Mr. Viaggi to represent the sector towards the EU institutions and manage the association’s Brussels office. Previously, Mr. Viaggi – 36 years old Italian national – has been Secretary General of European Builders Confederation (EBC) since 2009. In this function, he represented European construction micro, small and medium-sized enterprises from the 20 affiliates and partners of EBC in Brussels.

CECE’s President Bernd Holz is confident that Riccardo will help strengthen the visibility and position of construction equipment industry in Europe, thanks to his relevant experience and success in leading an EU trade association in the building sector: “Riccardo has a strong management experience and solid knowledge of both our industry and the Brussels’ political environment. I am looking forward to working with him.”

The appointment of the new Secretary General was proposed by CECE’s Steering Group and confirmed by the association’s Presidents’ Committee in April 2017. Riccardo Viaggi commented: “I am looking forward to working together with CECE’s members, partner associations and other stakeholders in order to promote the interests of our strategically important industry towards the European Institutions.”

About CECE

CECE, the Committee for European Construction Equipment, represents the interests of over one thousand construction equipment manufacturers through national trade associations in 13 European countries: Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Russia and Turkey. CECE Manufacturers employ around 150.000 people directly and 2 to 3 times as many indirectly. They invest and innovate continuously to deliver equipment with highest productivity and lowest environmental impact. Efficiency, safety and high-precision technologies are key. See also www.cece.eu.

Download the press release Riccardo Viaggi starts his role as the new Secretary General of CECE


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