CECE Congress 2020 livestreamed from Stockholm It is time for #BUILDINGTRUST and ENABLING INNOVATION

It is time to see opportunities and focus on recovery. It is time to look forward and see where innovation sets the path for growth. It is time to take leadership in sustainable construction technology and in digitalisation to guarantee full power in achieving Europe’s Green Deal goals. We must keep building trust and enable innovation.” With these words CECE President Niklas Nillroth opened the CECE Congress 2020.

This year’s CECE Congress was short. No personal meetings, no get-together, no small talk, or leisure. Nevertheless, an amazing number of 650 participants from around the world joined the livestreamed conference on 8th October to profit from experts’ views on the post-COVID economic recovery and the opportunities offered by sustainability and digitalisation. During the event a newly produced CECE documentary on sustainable construction was premiered. Moreover, the event looked at the current regulatory challenges and presented the economic update on the construction equipment markets.

Niklas Nillroth CECE President

Read the entire pressrelease here.



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